Storing valuable art pieces
A guide for art collectors and conservators
Whether you’re a private collector or a conservator, proper storage of your valuable art is a must. This ensures that your investment will be safe and your career remains stable! As we all know, art pieces of all kinds can degrade in conditions that fluctuate in temperature and moisture.
This is why using a climate controlled storage facility can not only reduce personal risk, but also protects these valuable investments for future generations.
Private conservators
Private conservators, is your business increasing, but you’re running out of storage space at home for your clients’ art? If you’re a private conservator, storing all your clients’ valuable collection may not be possible in your own home. Space limitations, lack of a controlled environment, and personal liability are all considerations in keeping valuables safe. Your reputation as a conservator depends on how well you take care of your clients’ valuable art pieces.
Private art collectors
Private collectors, are your precious family collections taking over your home environment? For most private collectors, keeping a few valuable pieces, especially family heirlooms, at home is not an issue. However, as your collection and your family grows, your home can quickly start looking and feeling like a museum. Your family members may start to feel like they have to carefully and anxiously tip-toe around these works of art instead of being able to relax in their own home.
There’s a solution to storing valuable art pieces!
The solution is storing valuable art in a trustworthy climate controlled storage unit! All non-climate controlled environments are subject to what the weather outside is doing. As a result, your precious artwork themselves will continuously fluctuate between moist, dry, hot, cold, etc., lending to cracking, drying, expanding, etc.
If you have valuable collector’s items that you’d like to store for the long term and protect for future generations, exhibits, or financial investments, you may find this article by HomeGuides helpful: